This was a project in collaboration with the students Hans Wallin and Nashmil Mobasseri. The project was a intentionally fast collaborative process during the first two weeks of our course. Our idea for the application was to guide visitors of The Ideon Science Park in Lund, to lunch restaurants all within walking distance. Published on both App Store and Google Play, Februari 2017.
A cross platform tool provided by Appspotr, was used. Thus no native coding war required.
Visit Appspotr at:
- Gps positioning and guidance to restaurants.
- Linking to URL's of the restaurants for updated lunch offerings.
- The appearance matched the theme and colors of the Ideon website, at that time in februari 2017. Ideon has since changed their website.
We contacted the Communications Manager at Ideon Science Park, in the quest of getting riches. Yes - we had a very nice communication. No- we didn't manage to cash in on our product 😉 . But Ideon offered to promote our app when it was published (if it was good enough). So consequently our application was promoted in a Ideon info letter, and moreover actually is as of today (2017-10-07) still on the official Ideon site! Offering guidance to hungry visitors. For wich I am very proud. Considering two weeks as a student...